This post was inspired by a conversation I had today with Single City Guy. You should check out his blog. He’s a great guy trying to make it in the interesting world of dating.
So, you feel like you’re a quality guy. You have the confidence to walk up to most women and start conversation. You can make her smile, laugh and feel comfortable around you quite easily. You feel like you’ll definitely get her number and even a date. She seems to love everything that you’re saying. Then, out of nowhere, it happens.
She walks away.
It almost seems like a dream. Just a few seconds ago, you two seemed to be sharing something special together and you definitely saw that interaction going somewhere much further than what actually happened. Most guys don’t even realize what they did wrong. Others may know and not know what to do about it. In the end, it comes to one simple thing that most guys are afraid of doing.
Closing. Sealing the deal. Getting the digits. Finalizing the transaction.
Whatever you want to call it, you still never do it. You’re so engrossed in conversation (which is not necessarily a bad thing) that you are unaware that it can end at any moment. You also could be even MORE afraid of getting that “brutal” rejection when you ask to see them again. You need to be prepared to step up to the plate and take the risk. It was just as much of a risk when you approached her, so why not go all the way?

Alex Rodriguez is the perfect comparison. For years, the man has dominated Major League Baseball’s regular season, putting up ridiculous numbers. He has even been the Most Valuable Player of the American League and everything, carrying his team to the playoffs. Then, when the playoffs came around, he would go missing. He put up the worst statistics (pretty much in history) of anyone of that caliber. People gave him so much grief, saying that he couldn’t perform under that pressure; he’ll never come through and whatever else you can describe being a failure at crunch time. Until, he were to come through, that was always going to be how people would describe him.
“He’s cool, but…”
“Yeah, he’s great, but…”
“He good, but he’s not clutch.”
Then, in this year’s playoffs, A-Rod finally came through. He put up monstrous numbers as he carried the New York Yankees to their 100000th championship (this will probably be the first and last time that I mention the New York Yankees on this blog).
That’s what you need to do. You need to step up and make it happen. Stop fearing the rejection and make the move. If you don’t, you’ll actually have an even worse feeling – one of regret, not knowing what could have happened. And let me tell you something, there’s nothing that will eat away at someone’s confidence more than constant regret.
Keep pushing and be your own Mr. October.
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