
Discipline of Dating: Stage 5 -- Contribution

Everyone needs a wingman.Welcome to the Discipline of Dating series. If you haven’t read the introduction and did Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3, and Stage 4 read those before you continue.

Remember, this series is meant to give you ALL of the tools necessary to create dramatic results in your dating life.

Only one thing; you have to take action.

These past few weeks, I’ve been working on giving you the best guide to help you with your dating life for free. 

Through a lot of the feedback I’ve received through Twitter and email, it’s clear that I’ve done a pretty good job.

*pat on the back*

The point of this was simple. I want to help everyone as much as I can and with readers spanning from Japan to the Cayman Islands, anyone who reads this would benefit.

And that is the last stage of development in this process -- contribution.

When you are in a position where not only have you helped yourself accomplish your goals but can also help others around you succeed, it’s a level few get to experience.

Discipline of Dating: Stage 2 -- Replicating Success (Part 2)

Now, it's time to start trying out what you've learned.Welcome to the Discipline of Dating series. If you haven’t read the introduction and started Stage 1, read those before you continue.

Remember, this series is meant to give you ALL of the tools necessary to create dramatic results in your dating life.

Only one thing; you have to take action.

This article will focus on the third and final Action Item of Stage 2 of the Wingman Model towards dating success.

Stage 2 is all about finding success and modeling it in a way that you can make your own. 

Discipline of Dating: Stage 2 -- Replicating Success (Part 1)

Yes, you can be as smooth as James Bond.Welcome to the Discipline of Dating series. If you haven’t read the introduction and started Stage 1, read those before you continue.

Remember, this series is meant to give you ALL of the tools necessary to create dramatic results in your dating life.

Only one thing; you have to take action.

This article will focus on Stage 2 of the Wingman Model towards dating success.

Stage 2 is all about finding success and modeling it in a way that you can make your own. 

This will allow you to adapt strategies, acquire positive habits and develop your social awareness for opportunities that may come up.

Once you do all of the Action Items, you’ll be able to go to Stage 3.

Begin Stage 2.

Discipline of Dating: Stage 1 -- Knowing Yourself (Part 3)

The key to your progress.Welcome to the Discipline of Dating series. If you haven’t read the introduction and started Stage 1, read those before you continue.

Remember, this series is meant to give you ALL of the tools necessary to create dramatic results in your dating life.

Only one thing; you have to take action.

So you’ve made this far through Stage 1. Awesome! I’m sure your hungry to start making changes right way -- and we’ll get there soon.

But first, there is one more Action Item you need to take that will get the complete assessment you need to move forward.

Discipline of Dating: Stage 1 -- Knowing Who You Are (Part 2)

Which "you' are they seeing?Welcome to the Discipline of Dating series. If you haven’t read the introduction and started Stage 1, read those before you continue.

Remember, this series is meant to give you ALL of the tools necessary to create dramatic results in your dating life.

Only one thing; you have to take action.

Now that you have an understanding of who you and what your values are, let’s see if that’s what you project.

We go out with our clients to see how congruent they are with how they want to present themselves. As a strategist, this is where the breakthrough comes in for so many of my clients.

But, I can’t do that for everyone who is reading this, so we’re going to change it up a bit. 

Discipline of Dating: Stage 1 -- Knowing Who You Are (Part 1)

Are you the man you want to see?Welcome to the Discipline of Dating series. If you haven’t read the brief introduction to what we’re doing here, read it before you continue.

Remember, this series is meant to give you ALL of the tools necessary to create dramatic results in your dating life.

Only one thing; you have to take action.

This piece will focus on Stage 1 of the Wingman Model we talked about yesterday.

Stage 1 is all about clarifying who you are, what you are, where you are now and where you want to be.

You’ll become aware of your body and the adjustments you’ll need to make to get to where you want to be.

You’ll be given action exercises that will help you understand who you are to the core.

Once you follow through with all the exercises and pass the checklist, you’ll be able to move on to Stage 2.

Discipline of Dating: Introducing the Best Free Series on Dating EVER

Are you willing to invest the time needed to do this with ease?

2011 is coming to an end, whether we like it or not. We, here at The Professional Wingman are making a lot of changes and VERY excited about 2012 -- and you should be too.

First, I want to thank everyone who took the survey we sent out last week. It showed me a lot of insight on what my readers are thinking as they come to the site.

I want this site to be the best. Not just at giving you free stuff but better stuff that other coaches or dating sites will make you pay money for.

Only the best from here, forward.

Dating & Lifestyle Kickstart Guide in Review

As we prepare for an amazing SXSW and wind down from the launch of the Wingman University Online Membership Program, I wanted to share some quick thoughts on the guide.

Remember when I declared 2011 the Year of the Hustle? I meant it. But just because you didn't start when I started, or when your friend did, doesn't mean it's too late for you to start.

Sometimes you just can't get started when you'd like to. And that's ok. I would rather you be ready to go now and able to put in 1000% effort than to take on the added responsibility, knowing you have other things that will take away from that 1000%. The only way you'll reap the benefits is if you fully devote yourself to it.

Here's the full overview of the 4-week Dating & Lifestyle Kickstart Guide, so you don't have to look for it.

Book the Ideal Social Calendar in 10 Weeks

This is fourth and last week of the 2011 Dating and Lifestyle Kickstart Guide. Tuesdays, we've covered the lifestyle aspect. If you missed it, here are week 1, week 2, and week 3.

I’ve made a conscious effort to really focus on people who are looking to make change. Sometimes, you need someone to cut through the non-sense and tell you what’s truly preventing you from success. The problem is most people don’t want to hear it. “It’s too harsh,” they would say. I think it’s even more interesting that when it comes to feedback, most people ASSUME it’s negative.