After hosting a speed dating event over the weekend, it reminded me of how speed dating can be another great way to meet women and get dates. After talking with various people and listening in on their opinions, I’ve decided to point out 4 great reasons why speed dating is cool and I give 4 tips that will give you an advantage when going to one.
1. Many beautiful women speed date. The way the media portrays speed dating is only half true. They only talk about the bad parts of speed dating, which can actually happen. On the other side, there are REALLY gorgeous AND normal women who participate in speed dating, which leads to my next reason.
2. The underdog gets a chance. Because it’s speed dating and you HAVE to see everyone, everyone gets an equal chance. You may not be as good-looking as the next guy but you still have a chance to earn a date with your humor, intelligence and charm.
3. People come from everywhere. Over the weekend, I talked with people from nearly every end of Massachusetts. Most people commute to Boston because they work there and these are the only times they have to do anything remotely social in the city (to be read “they haven’t found a reason/person as an excuse to come to Boston so they’re trying their luck with this.”).
4. It can build your confidence. Speed dating is actually fun. In a matter of an hour, you can meet and talk with as much as 10 women. No matter who they are, you can have 10 interactions under your belt and chances are you will have someone interested in contacting you after the event.
Now, here are 4 tips to help you max your experience.
1. Know what you’re looking for. Do you want to just go on a date? Are you looking for a hookup? Are you looking for a relationship? Just having an idea of what you want will make your approach different and keep you focused on what’s important.
2. This still is not the time to do “the interview.” Just because there’s only a little bit of time for each, doesn’t mean that you have to go in there and ask a list of questions. Treat it just like any other interaction. Have fun, ask a few questions, share some laughs and build momentum. If you two are having fun, you won’t want the alarm to sound and it’ll be easier to get her to check “yes” next to your name.
3. Don’t compare women by looks, but by the content. It’s very easy to get lost in a woman’s looks but there’s no time for that. You only have 4-5 minutes. Listen to what she says, see if it holds value to you and if it does, use it as a small catalyst for the other potentials. Sometimes, you never know what you actually want until you meet that person that has it. Pay attention.
4. Be selective. Some guys think by selecting every woman, they’re guaranteed a date. That is actually the wrong way of thinking. Be realistic about it and don’t give the women you’re not interested in false hope - it makes you look bad and hurts the good faith women have in men. Pick the women you’d actually want to reach out to because when you get back your mutual matches, you’ll know there’s a chance of it actually going somewhere.
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