Top 10 Bro Codes for Dating

Since I was sick this past weekend, it gave me a chance to catch up on some quality reading. I was able to get thorough a total of two books (I was able to get through one whole book and half of two books). One of the books I got to read was the Bro Code by Barney Stinson. For those who haven’t watched How I Met Your Mother, I suggest you check it out. It’s a funny show.
The book is a list of codes that all men who are “Bros” should follow. Some make sense and hold true to my group of friends, others are there for comedy and others are just downright out of control. Anyhow, many of these codes are related to dating. After sifting through, I’ve been able to come up with what I think are the top 10 codes that involve dating and are at least somewhat valuable.
At the very least, this list is VERY entertaining.
You can check out the book on Amazon here.
10. A Bro never dances with his hands above his head.
9. If a Bro suffers pain due to the permanent dissolution of a relationship with a lady friend, his Bros shall offer no more than a “that sucks, man” and copious quantities of beer. To eliminate the possibility of any awkward moments in the future, his Bros shall also refrain from any perjorative commentary – deserved or not – regarding said lady friend for a period of three months, when the requisite backslide window has fully closed.
8. All Bros shall dub one of their Bros his wingman.
7. A Bro is entitled to use a woman as his wingman.
6. A Bro never lies to his Bro about the hotness of chicks at a given social venue or event.
5. A Bro is required to alert another Bro if the Bro/Chick Ratio at a party falls below 1:1. However, to avoid Broflation, a Bro is only allowed to alert one Bro. Further, a Bro may not speculate on the anticipated Bro/Chick Ratio of a party or venue without first disclosing the present-time observed ratio.
4. In the event that two Bros lock on to the same target, the Bro who calls dibs first has dibs. If both call dibs at the same time, the Bro who counts aloud to ten the fastest has dibs. If both arrive at the number ten at the same time, the Bro who bought the last round of drinks has dibs. If they haven’t purchased drinks yet, the taller of the two Bros has dibs. If they’re the same height, the Bro with the longer dry spell has dibs. Should the dry spells be of equal length, a game of discreet Broshambo shall determine dibs, provided the chick is still there.
3. If a chick inquires about another Bro’s sexual history, a Bro shall honor the Brode of Silence and play dumb. Better to have women think all men are stupid than to tell the truth.
2. A Bro shall not kill another Bro or a Bro’s chances to score with a chick.
1. When on the prowl, a Bro hits on the hottest chick first because you just never know.
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The Wingman Labs: Wingwoman?
People have asked me if it’s better to have a wingman or wingwoman in these kinds of situations. My answer: it depends. Think of it this way.
For those that watch Entourage, you’ll get this REALLY quickly.
Example wingman: Vincent Chase
The man is a superstar and can pretty much get any woman. The fact that I can just walk with him makes me look like a superstar as well. Why? Because the fact that Vinny wants to hang with me tells people that I must be a cool guy to have Vinny want to hang with me. This is how Turtle and Eric have been able to work their ways up to live the lives they’re living now.
The similarity here is that if you're hanging with your best friend(s), they are going to make you feel as though you have it going on, which will be a natural confidence boost. Women like guys who are comfortable in their own skin and can have a good time. A quality wingman will make you feel like the man all the time.
Example wingwoman: Brittany (Eric’s Assistant – played by Kate Mara)
An awesome friend and she’s very beautiful. Definitely can do everything that a typical wingman would do but she serves as standing proof that hot women like to be around you. That is the only thing having wingman can’t do for you (unless he can make up in other ways, such as wealth, fame, athletic stature, etc.). Women see this and they can actually feel better about the fact that women are comfortable around you. There’s also the wonder of if the two of you are dating, which inherently creates a jealousy complex that can drive women nuts and make you appear that much more appealing. That within itself is the true value of having a wingwoman.
I think I might be running the wrong service here.
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