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The Ultimate Guide to an Amazing Dating Life and Attractive Lifestyle

Are you ready to meet, attract, and date the women you've always desired?

Did you know that 90% of guys NEVER approach women they're attracted to? Think about that — for every 10 men reading this, 9 of them are afraid to approach attractive women. So just by sheer numbers alone, we can say that you're probably one of those people.

But what if you could not only become more confident in meeting women, but they were also coming up to you? And what if attracting them got easier over time to the point where you can be selective in who you'd like to pursue a relationship with?

Who am I?

Thomas Edwards is the founder of The Professional Wingman, where he and his team helps singles find long-term relationships through developing their social skills. Over the 6+ years of coaching, he's helped thousands of men and women boost their confidence, live better lives, and find love. Some of relationships have resulted in engagements and even marriages — 20, to be exact. And his strategies have been put to the test by the top media outlets in the world.

What does having confidence mean to you?

Many of us want to be in a relationship. But imagine what it’d feel like to have control of your dating life — and your lifestyle — in a way that can change everything about your life. It transforms how you think about women, relationships, style, the people around you, where you go, what you do — because you have more confidence to do the things and live the life you ultimately want.

So this guide is for you. Everything you need that will not only make you look better and develop an attractive lifestyle, but also learn the skills that will get you to meet and attract the women you want. Start living the life you deserve by starting below.


How To Improve Your Appearance, Boost Confidence, and Attract More Women -- INSTANTLY

Do you think what you're wearing is hurting your chances with women?

After body language, it’s the second most important thing to attracting fact, studies will show it accounts for 20-25% of your overall presentation. The sad thing is most guys neglect this simple aspect that’s the easiest to fix. Wouldn’t you want to increase your chances with women 20-25%?

Introducing: The Fashion & Style Guide

Everything you need to get a head-start on improving your fashion appearance is right here, filled with concepts, examples, and pictures. Don’t worry. All the material here is practical and can be used right now. We give detailed examples and give you simple actions that will help you gradually improve.

Are you ready? Let’s get started:


How To Meet More Women, Improve Your Lifestyle, and Get More Dates

Looking to improve your social life?

You probably already know that the bar isn’t the only place to meet fact, surveys have shown 5% of relationships come out of a bar. So where else does it happen? Eben Pagan, who went under the name, David DeAngelo, once said, “Attraction isn’t a choice.” Well, he was right. Once you understand how to become more attractive, getting more dates becomes so much easier.

Introducing: The Dating & Lifestyle Kickstart Guide

Everything you need to get a head-start to your dating and social life is right here, filled with extensive case studies from real clients. Don’t worry. All the material here is practical and can be used right now. We give detailed examples and give you simple actions that will help you gradually improve and get results.

Important note: If you work on your lifestyle first, you dating life will be easier to improve.

Are you ready? Let’s get started:

Improve Your Lifestyle:

Boost Your Dating Life:

Here Are The Best Date Ideas for Any Occasion

You’ve seen my video for the perfect first date and why dinner dates are the worst idea for a first date. Now, I am compiling an ever-growing list of great date ideas here. We will continue to add to this list and recommendations for a solid first date idea will be bolded.


How to Communicate More Effectively to Improve Your Relationships With Women

Have a tough time communicating with women?

You probably already know that communication is paramount to building and maintaining a long-term fact, Today, women value a man's communication skills in their top THREE things they look for in a man. Convinced yet?

We all think about how much we should give and take, preventing being a taken advantage of or being the one taking advantage. On the other hand, disagreements or conflicts of interests happen and there needs to be an appropriate resolution to move the relationship forward.

Sometimes, it requires us to do things we may not want to do necessarily. But there is a good way to handle it in a way where you won’t be in doing something you don’t want to do. It’ll require an open mind and a genuine interest in the other person for this to work out.

Introducing: Giving & Taking -- the Communication Guide

Everything you need to learn how to become more interdependent and take on a bigger leadership role in your relationships with women, based on Stephen Covey's book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Six Paradigms of Human Interaction:

...Don’t worry. All the material here is practical and can be used right away -- even if you're not in a relationship. We give detailed examples that will help you gradually improve and get results.

So, What's Next?

You’ve learned some of my strategies to boost your confidence, meet women, get more dates, and be in a relationship — in as little as a few weeks.

I can’t wait to connect with you on our call.

Thomas understood my social situation right away and planned how to steer me in the right direction. With him as my professional wingman, we went out a few times, and he addressed obvious problems in my interactions. He turned out to be a good guy and became like a brother to me. I hired him because I wanted a deep and lasting change in my demeanor. Now I have twice the confidence that I had five months ago. While I always had the nerves to approach a woman, it was usually an awkward conversation, like riding the mechanical bull at a bar; how long can you hold on? Thomas showed me not only how to hold one woman’s interest, but also the interest of her friends with her. As the weeks went on, I felt more at ease in conversations, and found myself truly enjoying people more. I beat social anxiety. If you can do better in your dating life and social life, in which I believe most of us have a lot of room for improvement, hire Thomas and he will set you in the right direction. I think of my time spent with Thomas as an “education” that cannot be obtained from school. We may have all the skills in the world, but if we can’t meet new people and develop connections, then we will not be successful.
— Ben M., Boston, MA