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Honestly, we couldn’t be more grateful.
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"Stop being negative," he said, addressing people who are quick to pass judgment. "There's no harm done here." [PDF - November 2009]
"Technically "a dating and lifestyle strategist," Edwards describes his business, The Professional Wingman, as "a company that helps men and women enhance their dating and social lives" and says his main goal is to increase his clients' odds of attracting -- and retaining -- the opposite sex." [PDF]

"Flirting is like a sport: The more you practice, the better you become at using your charm when you need it most, like when that cute guy steps on the elevator. 'From the moment you wake up, have this vibe to embrace whoever you come in contact with'" [PDF]
"The difference between those who are successful at dating and those who aren't is a matter of preparation. People who are prepared are more likely to take that action. And that's what wingmen do for their clients -- prepare them for the moment when it matters." [PDF]

Get Your Booty Sleep: The Down and Dirty on Sex and Sleep (Infographic)

"Similar to having sex, talking about ourselves—which we do in more than 75 percent of posts and tweets—lights up the brain’s reward centers. This floods our bodies with feel-good dopamine, new research shows."
“It’s not like just guys are doing it or just women are doing it — they’re both doing it,” says Edwards, who in 2009 founded the Professional Wingman (and whose mostly male client base has its share of stood-up stories)."

?Not only are people more open in cafes, the space itself has a much lower barrier to entry. At work, you can only meet people who, like you, survived the prescreening process — meaning they were interviewed and hired for a job. To freelance in a cafe, on the other hand, all you need to get in is a few bucks for a cup of joe and a dream."
"At age 26, Thomas “The Professional Wingman” Edwards is looking to make a name for himself as a guru of socializing in Boston and other cities. Edwards helps men figure out what’s stopping them from connecting with women, often even accompanying clients into real social situations."
"You’re in it for the long haul, and that’s something to celebrate. Having special bottles of wine to enjoy on the next holiday is a fun way to look forward to your marriage standing the test of time."
"But if the fine art of picking up the bad girl eludes you, you just need to learn how to approach her. The good news? Your game probably doesn’t need much tweaking."
"Valentines Day is one week away. Along with New Years Eve, it's sort of the Super Bowl of dating. Now, here to help in your time of need, there's an alternative to on-line dating sites."
“To maintain any relationship, both people have to put in the effort to make the other person feel safe, happy and most of all, loved.” [PDF]
"Having witnessed Thomas out in the field, it’s clear that he has a friendly, high-energy, aura that gets soaked up and inherited by those around him." [Part 1 PDF] [Part 2 PDF]
"Part of attraction is the mystery. People want to know more about you." [PDF]
"When these more conventional approaches didn't do the trick, I stepped out of the box and tried a wingman. TheProfessionalWingman. com bills itself as the real-life "Hitch" and allowed me to try out their services one evening." [PDF]

"After a botched engagement attempt and other romantic misadventures, Thomas Edwards suffered what he describes as a "quarter-life crisis." Instead of seeking out booze and prostitutes, he turned to self-help books, introspection, and blogging."
Live Chats: When Flirting Crosses the Line & Bonding With the In-laws
"Edwards appears to have all the qualities you want in someone guiding one of the most important aspects of your life. He’s handsome, intelligent and funny."
"The shift from part-time hobby to business was aided by social media, momentum and a bit of luck. Mr. Edwards started studying others who had turned their passions into bona fide businesses, among them wine aficionado and personal branding expert Gary Vaynerchuk."
"We ran our wingman theory by Thomas Edwards, a Boston-based dating and lifestyle coach known professionally as the Professional Wingman. He could see it. As a wingman, after all, he said, "you're backing up your friend."
"Thomas Edwards went from a guy who got dumped to help others find love. A failed college romance propelled Edwards to re-invent himself as The Professional Wingman."
“Because you’re not physically involved it’s important to feel virtually involved.’’ [PDF]

"Frequently described as “Boston’s Hitch,” the founder of & expert in dating, lifestyle development & fashion gives you some rules to roll with."
"It wasn't long before Thomas and I were having a pretty natural, funny conversation with Foursquare girl and her friend. That's not to say I felt comfortable, mind you. In fact, when I took out my phone to demonstrate my Foursquare expertise, my hands were visibly shaking."
"Doing business of giving love advice: a story of Cyrano 2.0 who teaches how to win with style." [PDF]
"I choose to put my focus on proving the naysayers wrong while making a difference in the world."
"The worst way to approach a woman is by not doing it at all. Too many guys psyche themselves out by making excuses why NOW isn't the best time. There is NO perfect time and you only have a finite period to make a move." [PDF]

"Betty wings it with Thomas Edwards Jr. to find out why men - and women - can benefit from having a wingman."
"The real-life Hitch gave this advice: “Best above all else is to take risks and be open to finding love, especially when you least expect it."
"Edwards is more of a motivational coach than the founder of other online dating services. He has taken self-improvement and brought it into a new sector where there is clearly a demand."
"Dating is something Edwards knows a thing or two about. In 2009, the Boston native ditched his day job as a hotel manager and put his social prowess to work to launch The Professional Wingman, a dating-consultation service."
"Two guys walk into a bar … but this is no joke. What started as an effort to help a friend score a pretty lady’s phone number has turned into a lucrative consulting business for social-marketing entrepreneur Thomas Edwards, aka 'The Professional Wingman.'"
"Nearly three years later, Edwards, 25, has turned his social acumen into a thriving personal coaching business...His clients, men and women, gay and straight, vary in age from their early 20s to late 50s - some as far away as Australia."
"So you might wonder, what does this guy do all day, if his primary job is to go out to bars at night with guys who need a bit of confidence? Turns out his job is a lot more than just helping guys approach girls."
See also: Jobless and Dating, Ultimate Valentine's Day Debate & How To Date Women Who Earn More Than You

"We’ve all been there: You walk into a bar, spot someone attractive, try to chat them up—and fail miserably. But have no fear, The Professional Wingman is here to help. Through founder and CEO Thomas Edwards’ services, you’ll gain the confidence you need to get what you want. Namely, the phone number of that beautiful woman drinking a Dos Equis at the bar."
"As romantics grow weary of the digital dating game, so-called wingman services are taking them back in time. Such outfits, which popped up in cities like Boston and New York as long as eight years ago, are promoting the old-fashioned tête-à-tête." [January 2012]
“I’m trying to help men and women to have more faith in the dating process. When clients come to me they want to understand dating and communication more. I don’t have any crazy complex methods or strategies, I just help people get unstuck, find a new passion..."

"Edwards was a speaker at the annual Single in Stilettos event and luckily for us, gave the audience a crash course in flirting and some expert tips typically only reserved for paying clients. Here are some of his favorite expert flirting tips."
“I like to call myself a strategist,’’ says Thomas Edwards Jr., reaching for a bourbon cocktail with gentlemanly ease. “Life’s a strategy, and you gotta win. My job is to find the strategy for you and how to execute it.’’ With an infectious grin and a stylish wardrobe of tailored shirts and jeans, Edwards, 25, has dubbed himself the Professional Wingman, specializing in dating for men and women. But he says he really acts as a motivator for “personal development.’’
"Trying to find love in the big city? Look no further! Dating veteran Thomas Edwards can help you find it! Thomas sits down to talk about his very unique company “The Professional Wingman”, what it takes to find that special someone and the most common mistakes to avoid in the process."
"Thomas says his business got started after his girlfriend (now ex) cheated on him, and he hasn't 'looked back since."
While you may envision most guys only think about sports, beer, and sex, believe it or not, they're actually thinking about you, too. Or in this case, what they wish you knew about them. Consider it just one small step in figuring out the enigma known as the male species.
[Also seen on: Shine from Yahoo!]
"Putting yourself out there in social situations isn't easy, but a confident "wing-woman" could help you fight away those niggling self-doubts. Professional Wingman, Thomas Edwards Jr. tells us how he's made a living from making other men look good..."
"Having trouble meeting Prince Charming? Well, it may just be that you’re looking in all the wrong places. Sure, the local bar may have worked in the past, but if you’re looking to meet the man of your dreams (and not merely the man of the night), take advice from Thomas Edwards. Dubbed the real-life “Hitch” – and for good reason!"
See also: 5 Things Men Wish Women Knew
"Starting this business was not exactly his intention back in college and it has not come without its own set of challenges. However by going after something he was passionate about Thomas is now able to do what what he loves every day."

"Thomas is a top notch professional and has an awesome track record of getting results for clients. Recently we talked in-depth about relationship building and how to properly expand your network."
"But sometimes love doesn't happen organically or can't be scoped out on the bar scene. If you've been looking for love in all the wrong places or your buddy's wingman skills just aren't passing muster, you can now pay someone to help you out."
"Women love the 'bad boys' but they want to marry the 'nice guys.' So what does that tell us? Women want a take charge, understanding, and strong gentleman otherwise known as the 'assertive nice guy.'"
"Thomas is charming and charismatic but looks too young to be giving love/life advice. However, the moment he begins talking about his business, you forget about his youthful appearance and you're faced with a savvy entrepreneur."
"Awkwardly learn the sacred art of seduction from "Beantown's real-life Hitch" at this just launched 3-day class designed to step up your skills with the ladies by teaching you how to overcome anxiety, improve your flirting, and handle rejection, not to mention master the best ways to escalate things physically so you can "kiss a woman before words even come out of your mouth" -- words like, "please don't mace me"."
"In the process of picking up the pieces of his own broken heart, Thomas Edwards stumbled upon a business helping others fix their love lives."
"Limiting the conversation to a healthy fifteen minutes, I will learn that Thomas, 24, has known heartache and pain, believes that we need to shift our focus from dating to social fulfillment, and provides his Wingman services not just to the guys but for the gals as well."
See also: How To Meet Women on Public Transportation, Get a Date at Logan Airport, In Massachusetts the Most “Missed Connections” Posted to Craigslist Happened on the MBTA
"If you've ever seen the Will Smith movie "Hitch" -- a romantic comedy revolving around the foibles of a professional "date doctor," then consider yourself familiar with Edwards' job."
"One of the hardest things to do is to catch a guy’s attention and let him know it’s cool to approach you without seeming too desperate. The problem I've seen is women use subtle signs that are too subtle for guys to pick up. When it comes down to it, you'll have to put yourself out there just a little bit more."

"You cannot smile enough. Guys will be swept away by your smile. Cheesy? Maybe, but a smile will warm anyone’s heart and alleviate a man’s fear of approaching you!"
"This love guru’s advice is simple and makes perfect sense."
"Yesterday I got together with Laurie Davis, the eFlirt expert, and Thomas Edwards, The Professional Wingman. Their A-game is impressive, expect to see a lot more of these two young social media mavens as they continue to be discovered by the online dating industry and mass market media."
"'Huh. So, worst case scenario, I'm just another douchebag.'
Thomas laughed. 'Exactly.'
And so began my first night out with a professional 'wing.'"
"Thomas had taught me to start noticing details -- anything is conversation worthy as long as it’s specific. It worked again."